what m+ garbage do i have to deal with this week?

what garbage affixes do i have to deal with this week?



This list might seem short. That's because there's really only two affixes that change every week - Xal'atath's Bargain and which dungeon buff you get first, Tyrannical or Fortified.

Now with highlighting and a schedule that works correctly!

Next week:

Week after next:


Legend:easy difficulty | medium difficulty | hard difficulty

What is an "affix"?

An affix is a modifier applied to a mythic keystone at set levels. Different combinations occur every week, with the combinations repeating on a set schedule.

Level 4 affixes
These will change weekly.

  • Xal'atath's Bargain: Ascendant

    Ten orbs appear every minute while in combat that must be interrupted, purged, knocked, or crowd controlled.

    Note: If the orb cast goes off, enemies get buffed with 10% movement speed and haste per cast. If the orbs are interrupted, players get a stacking buff worth 2% movespeed and haste per stack.

  • Xal'atath's Bargain: Voidbound

    A Void Emissary spawns while players are in combat and buffs enemies.

    Note: Any mob that gets buffed takes reduced damage. This buff stacks. Killing the Void Emissary gives players a buff that gives them 30% cooldown reduction and 20% increased Versatility.

  • Xal'atath's Bargain: Pulsar

    Orbs spawn around players and orbit them at a fixed distance. Other players must soak the orbs.

    Note: Soaking the orbs gives a stacking leech and mastery buff. If the orbs are not soaked, enemies get a stacking 10% increased damage and 20% reduced damage taken buff.

  • Xal'atath's Bargain: Devour

    Players are periodically afflicted with a heal absorb while in combat.

    Note: It's not really an absorb, players just need to be healed a certain amount while they have the debuff. Healing or dispelling the absorb gives players a stacking +2% health and +4% crit buff. Failing to heal or dispel the absorb will heal enemies for 10% of their total HP.

Level 7 affixes

  • Fortified

    Non-bosses have 20% more health and deal 20% more damage.

    Note: interrupting and dodging any/all enemy abilities becomes an absolute priority with this affix. Most of the time spent in the dungeon will be fighting beefy trash.

  • Tyrannical

    Bosses have 25% more health and deal 15% more damage.

    Note: Boss abilities are no longer trivial. Boss mechanics need to be respected (don't stand in stuff!). Some fights become endurance tests because they last so long.

Level 10 affixes
(The one that wasn't active at +7 is active now)

  • Fortified

    Non-bosses have 20% more health and deal 20% more damage.

    Yes, you're reading this right. It's not a typo. You'll get both Tyrannical AND Fortified on +10 keys.

  • Tyrannical

    Bosses have 25% more health and deal 15% more damage.

Level 12 affix
(This affix is always active at +12 and higher)

  • Xal'atath's Guile

    All benefits from Xal'atath's Bargains are removed. Deaths now cost 15 seconds instead of 5.

    Note: Ouch.

Weekly schedule for affixes

The following table shows the affix schedule for the entirety of the current season. This table currently assumes that the schedule will stay the same, but with Pulsar instead of Oblivion.

Blue = EU / Red = US

Seasonal (+4) +7 +10 +12
Xal'atath's Bargain: Ascendant Tyrannical Fortified Xal'atath's Guile
Xal'atath's Bargain: Pulsar Fortified Tyrannical Xal'atath's Guile
Xal'atath's Bargain: Voidbound Tyrannical Fortified Xal'atath's Guile
Xal'atath's Bargain: Devour Fortified Tyrannical Xal'atath's Guile
Xal'atath's Bargain: Pulsar Tyrannical Fortified Xal'atath's Guile
Xal'atath's Bargain: Ascendant Fortified Tyrannical Xal'atath's Guile
Xal'atath's Bargain: Devour Tyrannical Fortified Xal'atath's Guile
Xal'atath's Bargain: Voidbound Fortified Tyrannical Xal'atath's Guile


Complete a keystone run within the timer to upgrade a keystone to the next level.

Complete a keystone run with 20% of the timer remaining and upgrade the keystone 2 times in one go.

Complete a keysone run with 40% of the timer remaining and upgrade the keystone 3 times in one go.

Didn't beat the timer? That's ok. Your keystone just levels down by 1 and rerolls the dungeon.
Example: Your group completes Grim Batol +5 but misses the timer. Your keystone downgrades to a random dungeon at +4.

Don't have a keystone? Completing a Mythic difficulty dungeon will net you a key at the end of the run. This keystone will be one level under the keystone run level you complete, or +2 if you completed a Mythic +0.

Lindormi in outside the Stoneshaper's Hall in Dornogal can give you a key based on your highest run completed, no dungeon run required. (Will give you a +2 keystone if you haven't done a key yet)1

You can also get a key from the Great Vault based on the highest key you completed last week. If you did a 15 last week, you'll get a 15 this week from your vault.
If you do not complete any keystones for a week, the level degrades by 1 and continues to degrade by one for every week you do not do a higher difficulty keystone.2

[1] Example: you complete a Darkflame Cleft +7 - the chest at the end will have a random +6 key in it.

[2] Example: Your highest key you complete for a week is a +8, but you do not do a key the following week. Your keystone degrades to a +7 on the third week.

Time penalty for deaths

Five seconds are subtracted from the timer any time a player dies in a keystone run. While this may seem inconsequential at first, the time lost to death will add up quickly if players die to mechanics frequently. This can easily result in missing the timer. This time goes up to 15 seconds per death at keystone levels 12 and above.

Instance Timer and Requirements for "Level Jumps"

The following table shows the amount of time you have to complete a keystone run and upgrade your key. The +2 and +3 columns show how much time you have to complete a keystone run in order to +2 or +3 a key.

Name Par time +2 keystone levels +3 keystone levels
Cinderbrew Meadery 33:00 26:24 (6:36 left on the timer) 19:48 (13:12 left on the timer)
Darkflame Cleft 33:00 26:24 (6:36 left on the timer) 19:48 (13:12 left on the timer)
The MOTHERLODE!! 39:00 31:12 (7:48 left on the timer) 23:24 (15:36 left on the timer)
Operation: Floodgate 32:00 25:36 (5:14 left on the timer) 19:12 (12:48 left on the timer)
Operation Mechagon / Workshop 32:00 25:36 (5:14 left on the timer) 19:12 (12:48 left on the timer)
Priory of the Sacred Flame 30:00 24:24 (5:36 left on the timer) 18:00 (12:00 left on the timer)
The Rookery 31:00 24:24 (6:36 left on the timer) 18:48 (12:12 left on the timer)
Theater of Pain 34:00 27:12 (6:48 left on the timer) 20:24 (13:36 left on the timer)

The Great Vault and You

You CAN get tier pieces from your vault.

Every week at reset you are eligible to choose ONE PIECE of gear from The Great Vault based on your accomplishments from the previous week. Completing more milestones does not get you more gear, but expands your choices for the ONE PIECE of gear that you can claim.

You will also receive a keystone based on the highest timed run you completed the week before, or one less than your highest untimed run. If your highest key was a timed +15 or an untimed +16 last week, you're going to get a +15 key in your vault this week.

Remember that you only get to choose one piece of gear from The Great Vault no matter how many activities you do.

There are three paths to expand your gear choices: mythic plus, raiding, and world.

To reduce confusion, let's just assume that you only play mythic plus and don't raid or do world content.

To get the most choices at gear by doing only mythic plus, you must complete 8 mythic keystone runs a week. Completing 8 runs a week will present you with three pieces of gear to choose from at reset.

That's the short version - to be able to choose from three pieces of loot from the Great Vault, you gotta do 8 mythic keystone runs. Now let's do the long version where we talk about how keystone level affects the item level of gear you can choose from.

wait, how many gear choices do I get if I do X number of keystone runs?

If you do at least one, but less than 4 keystone runs: you get one piece of loot to choose from in The Great Vault. Its item level will be based on the highest level keystone run you completed. (Look at the table below to see what the item level will be.)

If you do between 4 and 7 keystone runs: you get two pieces of loot to choose from in The Great Vault. The first item's level will be based on the highest level keystone run you completed. The second item's level will be based on the FOURTH HIGHEST keystone run you completed.

If you do 8 or more keystone runs: you get three pieces of loot to choose from in The Great Vault. The first item's level will be based on the highest level keystone run you completed. The second item's level will be based on the FOURTH HIGHEST keystone run you completed. The third item's level will be based on the EIGHTH HIGHEST keystone run you completed.


One thing that I want to make clear now that you've read this: it doesn't matter in which order you complete your keystone dungeons, but it does matter how many keys you do. The game makes a list of all the keystone runs you completed and sorts them from highest level to lowest level, then selects the first, fourth, and eighth highest completed keystone levels. This means you can continue to do keystone runs past the 8 required for your weekly milestones to give you more options at higher level gear. You can NEVER LOWER the item level of the gear you're going to get since the list is sorted from highest to lowest.

Example: You've been busy this week! You completed ten total keystone dungeons! Wow! The game has built a list of all the keystone levels you completed and sorted them from highest to lowest to determine what you're going to get for gear choices. Here's an example list:

+15, +15, +15, +15, +13, +12, +10, +10, +10, +9

The bolded numbers are the first, fourth, and eighth highest runs you completed. The item level of the gear you'll be able to choose from will be listed in The Great Vault's UI.

Let's say you want to raise the item level of one of your choices of gear, so you go out and complete some +12 runs. Using the example above, the +12s are injected into the list and cause your eighth highest run to become a +12. Here's what the new list would look like:

+15, +15, +15, +15, +13, +12, +12, +12, +10, +10, +10, +10, +10, +9


Level End of Run End of Run upgrade level Great Vault Great Vault upgrade level Crests
2 639 Champion 2/8 649 Hero 1/6 10x Runed
3 639 Champion 2/8 649 Hero 1/6 12x Runed
4 642 Champion 3/8 652 Hero 2/6 14x Runed
5 645 Champion 4/8 652 Hero 2/6 16x Runed
6 649 Hero 1/6 655 Hero 3/6 18x Runed
7 649 Hero 1/6 658 Hero 4/6 10x Gilded
8 652 Hero 2/6 658 Hero 4/6 12x Gilded
9 652 Hero 2/6 658 Hero 4/6 14x Gilded
10 655 Hero 3/6 662 Myth 1/6 16x Gilded
11 655 Hero 3/6 662 Myth 1/6 18x Gilded
12 655 Hero 3/6 662 Myth 1/6 20x Gilded

The chest at the end of the run guarantees the GROUP two pieces of loot from the dungeon loot table, even if you don't beat the timer.

If you beat the timer, the group will be awarded two pieces of loot at the item level that corresponds to the level of the keystone you completed.

Example: Your group times a +9, two pieces of 613 loot drop in the end of run chest.

At reset, the Great Vault will have a keystone based on the highest level keystone run you completed the week before. However, the keystone will degrade if you do not continue to complete keystones at higher or equal levels to what you previously completed.

Example: You timed a +11 last week. This week at reset you get a +11 keystone from your chest. This week you don't time anything higher than a +11. Next week at reset you get a +10 key from the vault.

It is best to complete a +10 every week to get the highest gear value from your weekly chest.

Mythic+ rating

Mythic+ rating is an indicator of a player's mythic+ experience.

Your rating increases as a result of the following:

  • each time you run a dungeon you haven't completed before
  • complete a dungeon at a higher keystone level than your previous best
  • beat your best time in a dungeon you've already completed.
Completing a key provides a rating based on two factors:
  • the level of the key
  • the amount of time it took to finish the run
Like Conquest and other similar systems, your Mythic+ rating will be reset at the start of a new season.

Your overall Mythic+ rating is simply the sum of your ratings for all dungeons.

Getting The War Within Season 1 titles and rewards

The War Within Keystone Explorer: Season 2 unlocks when you complete a Mythic+ dungeon in time.

The War Within Keystone Conqueror: Season 2 unlocks when you hit 1500 Mythic+ rating and awards the title the Enterprising.

The War Within Keystone Master: Season 2 unlocks when you hit 2000 Mythic+ rating and awards the Crimson Shreddertank mount.

The War Within Keystone Hero: Season 2 unlocks when you hit 2500 Mythic+ rating and awards the Gallagio's HIghroller Bombstone.

Enterprising Hero: The War Within Season 2 unlocks at the end of the season if your Mythic+ score is high enough for you to be in the top 0.1% of all players in your region (US/EU/KR, etc) and awards the title "the Enterprising Hero".

Additionally, timing a dungeon on +10 unlocks a portal to that dungeon in your spellbook. All dungeon portals have a shared 8 hour cooldown, but the cooldown resets when you complete any keystone.

Useful stuff


This is not a definitive list of THINGS YOU NEED, but a list of addons/WeakAuras that I like and find useful.

Addon Managers

A brief message about addon managers

As someone who values their privacy online, I feel like it's important that I mention the Overwolf client is BAD and all of its privacy options are OPT-OUT by default, instead of OPT-IN. I encourage you to use an open source addon manager like wowup.io or instawow. Just my two cents.


  • WarpDeplete - Nice timer. It's probably the one you see streamers use.
  • Angry Keystones - Another take on the keystone/mythic+ timer. Displays affix rotation schedule and current affixes as well as providing chest timers and kill count % ingame.
  • iP Mythic Timer - A combo timer with a great deal of customization. Shows timer for +2 and +3, % per mob, total percent pulled, and more!

Dungeon information/boss mods

Keystone and group information

  • Mythic Dungeon Tools - Plan out routes, then use a shareable interactive map to make sure your group is on the same page.
  • Raider.io Addon - Hover over players in the world, guild, etc and get their raider.io score. The addon comes with an updater client to automatically get people's scores from raider.io!
  • Astral Keys - Shows keys for guild mates, Battle Net friends and alts.


Mechanical WeakAuras

General Information & Utility WeakAuras

  • M+ Timer (WeakAura) - Mythic plus timer with a lot of bonus features, including auto-gossip/interact, MDT integration, and more!
  • Raid Ability Timeline - Creates a bar that shows upcoming boss abilities visually. Requires Deadly Boss Mods or BigWigs.
  • Dungeon RIO and Classes - Requires raider.io addon. Shows LFG group leader's raider.io score in group title, class icons under roles, and applicant raider.io score before their names.
  • Angry M+ - Another timer Weakaura option. This one has a similar look to the default frame, with additional features like autogossip, !keys response, etc.

Stats, tools, and guides

  • raider.io - Raider.io has all kinds of tools including character specific M+ tracking, successful run comp tracking, and ranks for m+ dungeons. Their addon is probably the most useful group building/vetting addon you'll find as it uses their scoring system to show you how experienced players are.
  • Questionably Epic - Easy-to-digest dungeon guides and an addon that provides tips and strategy reminders throughout dungeons. Especially useful if you play druid or monk.

Discords and Group Finding

  • Mythic+ Friends Discord - The largest Mythic+ Discord server aimed at helping players form groups and teaching new players about mythic plus.
  • No Pressure - No Pressure is a large EU community for finding non-toxic, stress-free groups to do content at every difficult level. Official website.